
Workplace Accidents

Fighting harder for clients nationwide!

Experienced Workplace Accident Lawyers – Sico Law Group 

At the Sico Law Group, we believe the hard workers who get injured on the job deserve experts in their corner when seeking justice for their unexpected injuries. Our dedicated team of workplace accident attorneys has the experience to get you the compensation rightfully deserved for injuries sustained. 

While dangerous accidents can happen anywhere at any time, the last place an individual should be injured is at their place of work. If this happens, sometimes legal action can become necessary to ensure all liable parties are held accountable for the lost wages, pain, and suffering that comes with being hurt on the job. 

Some industries and locations hold more potential for accidental workplace accidents than others. Unfortunately, in many cases, fingers are quick to be pointed at the injured worker when it comes time to determine who is at fault for your injury. From the oil industry to various contracting and manufacturing positions, the lawyers at Sico Law Group have successfully recovered millions of dollars of compensation for injured employees throughout the nation. 

Why We Recommend Hiring a Workplace Accident Attorney

Many workplaces are governed by OSHA, or the Occupational Safety Hazard Act, which sets standards for an employer for workplace safety. A violation of these OSHA standards can easily be shown as negligent since it is a federal safety benchmark for many industries.

If the cause of your workplace injury violates OSHA guidelines, you may be entitled to compensation. However, in most cases, the employer will try to steer the injured employee toward workers’ compensation benefits for their injuries as the only source of recovery. Determining whether to settle these benefits and further seek compensation from other responsible companies or persons is why we recommend consulting with an experienced workplace accident attorney at the Sico Law Group.

Examples of workplace injuries that may violate OSHA are:

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury at work due to someone else’s negligence or a product failure in your workplace, you may be entitled to compensation. 

These injuries often leave workers severely disabled or even take the lives of many dedicated hard workers. In the event of an injury or death, workers may be unable to work and provide for their families. All the while, injured employees and their families must face expensive medical treatment leaving them with a long list of medical bills, mental hardships, emotional stress, and feeling alone or desperate.

Pursuing compensation for you and your family during these challenging times can provide you with the medical care and income needed after a workplace accident. An Experienced Workplace Injury lawyer can go against big service companies to fully protect your rights. We will demand the maximum compensation on your behalf. 

Any employer failing to provide necessary safety protections may be the basis for an applicable negligence claim. Also, the machinery manufacturers, services provided, and products used on the job have a similar duty of care and responsibility. 

We have helped the injured across the country, and we'd love to help you.

Most Common Types of Accidents In the Workplace

If your injury at work resulted from any of these or another cause, you might be entitled to compensation for your lost wages, pain, and suffering. When you receive an injury at work, we recommend documenting everything that led to the injury and seeking immediate medical evaluation after an unexpected work accident. Also, most importantly, you should consult with a personal injury attorney immediately to discuss your legal rights.

You will never pay us
unless we win.

Contact An Experienced Workplace Accident Attorney Near You Today 

The Sico Law Group offers all clients a free case review and initial consultation to discuss the details of a workplace-related injury and to answer any questions one may have about the legal processes of their case.

If you have been injured in a workplace-related accident, it is in your best interest to retain a firm with experience with workplace accident injury cases. The Sico Law Group is prepared to fight on your behalf and represent you and your loved ones through tough times. We are available 24/7/365 to assist you. 

At Sico Law Group, you will never pay us unless you win your case.

Call Sico Law Group Today!